


In the heart of the plains of the Po River basin, in Northern Italy, immersed in an agricultural landscape reminiscent of bygone ages, lies Novellara, a town whose origins are still uncertain. What we do know, on the other hand, is that during the course of its long history, the town reached its highest level of splendour during the dominion of the Gonzaga's, the refined court that had reigned in Mantua, which gave the town formidable impetus, making it an independent city-state for over four centuries and leaving many artistic and architectural works testifying to its glorious past.

Of course, no delicacy could be missing from the table of a noble court worthy of its name, and there also had to be plenty of wine. Precisely in the territory of Novellara, the vitus labrusca grew and still prospers today; it is a spontaneous plant with a plentiful production of fruit, from whose grapes a harsh drink was produced. Through the centuries, thanks to the knowing hand of man, that drink became “Lambrusco” wine.

Together with other excellent gastronomic specialities, this wine has today become not only the most important element of an enormous agricultural economy, but also the most authentic and recognisable expression of the territory, as it so faithfully resembles the local population, with its cordial and sincere character.

The Zini Vineyards were created from the great passion for Lambrusco and the conviction that it is possible to give it a personal interpretation; the vineyard is a young and dynamic reality that has been launched in the adventure of producing Lambrusco, with the enthusiasm and passion of beginners, but with some extremely clear ideas and the evident ambition of seeking quality at all costs: the personality typical of wines produced with the heart and through the valorisation of their typical nature, which makes them recognisable and sanctions the strong ties they have with the territory, of which they are an expression.


Novellara: The Rocca

Novellara: The theatre

Our vineyards


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